The Curls Behind the Lens

Hey there! I'm Aubrie Rose the Curly Girl photographer. I’m not gonna sit here and yap about Oh as long as I can remember I've always had a camera in my hand yadda yadda yadda, in some attempt to convince you I was born to do what I do. Nope. When I was 3 I wanted to be a fire truck. Yup. You read that right.
A fire truck. Then I wanted to work with animals but according to my mother "aggressive animal petting" isn't a paying job.
I got my first photography job working at a kid's studio, worked my way up to management and then eventually started off on my own. I worked under other really awesome professional photographers, learning all there is to know about the business.
Over 20 years in customer service and being a full time mom has given me the "patience of a saint", as quoted from a variety of my clients.

I am a glass is half full kind of person. If I'm caught without a smile on my face people ask "what's wrong?" Many people will say I have a distinctive laugh that is also quite contagious. I love to laugh and joke around. Humor is the best medicine. This allows my clients to feel at ease with me. My corny sense of humor and openness helps people to feel right at home around me and allows me to capture their real emotions, smiles and tears.
When I'm not photographing I'm spending time with my husband and 3 sons. Yes. 3 boys. Nope not trying for a girl. We did. Surprise! He was another boy. Even our cat and rabbit are boys. Yup I'm out numbered. So yea, if you are a female and (still) reading this, at least call me up and invite me out for coffee (I love coffee) .... I could use some time out of the house with someone that doesn't think a fart is hysterical. (ok it's a little funny. There's that corny humor I was trying to tell you about. 😉 )